Monday, March 18, 2013

March and my Journal: Day 18

March and my Journal

Päivän tehtävänanto suomeksi löytyy Hupsistarallaa-blogista.


Day 18: Add a magazine clipping of a subject important to you

And here is mine: 

Day 18

First, let me say: I don't really read newspapers anymore. (I do read magazines though, but didn't want to glue a huge article on the pages.) The news mostly make me sad or angry. I read news headlines almost every day to see the surface of what's happening in the world, but other than that I leave it be and trust that if something big enough happens, I'll hear about it anyway. That's my way to balance the worries in my life, as I'm a person who worries and gets sad easily.

On the other hand, I love news about animals. So this little clipping of bears in Helsinki Zoo waking up from hibernation was perfect for this page. Well, I don't really like zoos. I wish those bears were in a forest living free. But as the situation is what it is, it's nice to see those bears look so happy. I know a happy bear when I see one. There even is a video about it. You can watch it here, in case you don't trust me and my bear reading skills. Hope it helps you to have a great Monday!


  1. Here is mine:

    I have same type of policy for buying and reading newspapers as you, so this was a bit of a search for me. I found something important anyway.

    1. It took me quite a time too to decide what to do with this page. Love the result (and the bears) though.

  2. Hups, venähti vähän tuo julkaisuväli, mutta täällä on päivät 11-18.

  3. Tää olis voinut olla mun päiväkirjasta, ihan noin karhuja myöten! Karhut on parhaita, erityisesti onnelliset karhut <3

    1. Karhut ON parhaita! Varsinkin iloisina temmeltävät sellaiset <3


Jätä toki viesti!

PS. Luen jokaisen kommentin ennen julkaisemista. Kyse ei ole sensuurista tai kontrollista, haluan vain varmistaa, ettei yksikään jää vahingossa lukematta.

Feel free to leave a note!

PS. I read every comment before publishing them. That's not about censorship or control. I just want to make sure I won't miss any of them.

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