Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunnuntaisuosikit // Sunday Faves


Minulla on salainen rakkaussuhde glitteriin, ja tähän aikaan vuodesta suhteen salassapito muuttuu aina kovin hankalaksi. Kun ulkona on pimeää, kaipaan kimallusta ympärilleni. Tai sitten olen vain harakka. Myönnän, että usein glitterinkäyttö menee mauttomuuksiin, mutta mauttomuudellekin on paikkansa ja aikansa. Ainakin, jos se saa hymyilemään. Kuten unissaan puhuva mies on sanonut: "The world's just not as sparkly as you want it to be. We should all carry some glitter and add a little bit along the way." Tulen siis glitterirakkauteni kanssa kaapista näin sunnuntain kunniaksi.


I have a secfret love affair with glitter, and around this time of the year, it keeps harder and harder to keep it hidden. When it's dark outside, I need some shine around me. Or then again, I might be a little like a magpie and love everything that glitters. I do admit that sometimes using glitter is tacky, but there is time and place for tacky as well. Especially, if it makes you smile. Like Sleep Talkin' Man has said: "The world's just not as sparkly as you want it to be. We should all carry some glitter and add a little bit along the way." With that said, I'll step out of the closet with my lofe of glitter just because it's Sunday.

{via Pinterest, original source unknown}

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